Creator: Julie Plec
Director: Bola Ogun
Starring: Danielle Rose Russell, Aria Shahghasemi, Quincy Fouse, Kaylee Bryant, Matt Davies, Chris Lee, Omono Okojie and Courtney Bamdeko
Here is our review of Legacies Season 3 Episode 13.
This is a big episode with lots of heartbreaks and some big revelations. We finally get to know Cleo’s backstory and why she did what she did in the previous episode. Hope and Landon go through another rocky patch in their relationship as Hope tries to work out what happened to Landon in that prison world.

Credit: The CW
Read more: Legacies Season 3 Episode 1 Review
It was revealed last week that the mysterious masked figure we have been seeing for the past few episodes is the real Landon. In this episode we see how Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) has clearly changed from his time spent in the prison world, where he learnt to stop waiting for Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) to come and save him and learnt how to survive. Hope and Landon’s relationship has always been up and down but I think these lines sum up their relationship from the end of the episode. Landon tells Hope: “they’re doomed” and “they exist to destroy each other”. We know Hope’s blood is toxic to Landon and he is the son of Malivore, the creature she is destined to destroy.
I liked seeing this stronger Landon, more broken character, Shahghasemi made him exciting to watch. Seeing how far Landon has come is enjoyable but it is a shame that it has taken us this long to get to a point where Landon is enjoyable to watch. The chemistry between Russell and Shahghasemi has always been mixed depending on the episode but in this episode, we really feel the dilemma and emotion between these characters. Hope has done everything she can do to stay with Landon and keep him in her life, which just gets thrown in her face. Danielle Rose Russell really shines in this episode, especially at the end as we watch her heartbreak. Russell always puts on a great performance but when it comes to portraying sadness; she does it excellently and we can see the pain which makes us feel so bad for her. Hope never gets it easy!

Credit: The CW
Read more: Legacies Season 3 Episode 8 Review
We finally learn about Cleo’s (Omono Okojie) past in this episode and she has been through a lot. As a young child, she made the brave decisions to take her grandmother’s place and went with Malivore to save her village. For years she was Malivore’s prisoner, creating ‘friends’ out of his mud who he would consume. All the monsters we have seen were created by Cleo using her magic. In the past few episodes, all the monsters and Landon’s we saw were all created by Cleo. We see Cleo’s pain clearly throughout this episode and we learn she isn’t the villain maybe some of us through, she has been trying to destroy the monster who imprisoned her. Her intentions have been honourable but the way she went about it all was wrong, however, a part of me does wonder can we really trust Cleo?
Watching Cleo and Landon leave together was something I didn’t see coming. I hope we will get to see what these two get up to while they are away. I think it would be interesting to see the dynamic between these two broken characters as they try to find another way to kill Malivore.

Credit: The CW
Read more: Legacies Season 3 Episode 10 Spoiler Review
This season is heavily hinting at Hope becoming a full tribrid and now we learn thanks to Cleo that it is Hope’s destiny to become a full tribrid and destroy Malivore. I do wonder how long they will drag this transformation out because at the moment it is being built up that it will happen eventually but when? Will get full tribrid Hope by the end of this season or have to wait until season 4. They are implying that only tribrid Hope can defeat this monster we have been with since the first season yet I do wonder if the writers could trick us and there might be another way after all. Like most fans, we are all excited to see Hope turn her vampire side on as she will be powerful but I get the feeling it could be a while yet for this transformation.

Credit: The CW
Read more: Legacies Season 3 Episode 7 Review
Finch (Courtney Bamdeko) start her first day at the Salvatore School seeing whether this school will be a right fit for her. Finch also gets an introduction to the wolf pack. I hope we get to see more of the wolfpack as I feel they are quite underrated and we should see more of them. Alongside this Finch and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) make their relationship official in this episode, which was a nice moment for this pair but I do feel that it is quite rushed. This relationship is unsteady and now Finch might be in with the pack too that could have an effect on their relationship. Everything surrounding Finch and Josie is all too rushed compared to Landon and Hope which was really dragged out.
Not only did Danielle Rose Russell and Aria Shahghasemi put on fantastic acting performances in this episode but so did Chris Lee. Kaleb (Chris Lee) is always the calm guy but we got to see some real emotion from him as he learns what Cleo has gone through. This episode is full of heartbreak from Landon and Hope, and Cleo and Kaleb but it feels more on Kaleb’s end. We learn about Cleo’s past and uncover her significance to the Malivore and this season’s story. We end this episode wondering where this plot will go next now the two main driving forces behind this season have both left the Salvatore School.
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