Zack Snyder, famous Hollywood director who is behind one of the most successful superhero franchises, has been on a hiatus for a while. What’s he doing next?
After the information about some of the disagreements that went on behind the scenes of the DC Comics projects came to light, the hiatus, the new directors, and the on-going confusion about the direction that the franchise was going to take suddenly all made sense.
Snyder, who wanted more creative control and who had a completely different vision compared to what Justice League ended up being, caused some tension and the director decided to take a break from making mainstream movies and wildly anticipated projects to reevaluated his place and mission in Hollywood.
For a while, we didn’t know what he was up to, but recently it became public that the director is getting back to his roots and making a zombie heist movie.
If you didn’t know, Snyder’s big break in Hollywood was actually a remake of a cult zombie movie, Dawn of the Dead, which originally came out in 1978.
His remake was an instant hit.
Now the famed director is returning to the zombie movie genre.
Not to make a sequel to Dawn of Dead, but definitely something similar in essence and style.
The new movie, which is called Army Of The Dead, centres around a deserted Los Angeles which has been wiped clean due to the zombie apocalypse.
The zombies take over a local casino, which will be the epicentre of all events in the movie.
Zack Snyder is returning to making zombie movies

Ben Affleck and Zack Snyder working on Batman v Superman – Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
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Actually zombies and casinos are somewhat of a power duo in any type of entertainment.
Zombies are often used to liven up any scene and that works perfectly with casino games and slots and you will see a lot of casino slots rely on the zombie theme to make the clients more excited to play.
The fact that Snyder is a great director is evident in the fact that even though his first big break was a remake, people in Hollywood and the viewers saw his talents and potential in the movie.
Snyder has often said that even though he has had tremendous success in his career exploring other genres, he feels most comfortable in horror, where he first gained recognition and evolved as a director.
But now there are talks that Zack Snyder might be getting back together with Warner Bros. Pictures to make another DC superhero movie.
Over the last year, DC has been trying to regain its glory and getting Zack Snyder on their team might just be the final push that they’ll need to achieve just that.
But, the rumours are saying that this will only happen if Snyder takes on projects that are outside of the DCEU.
Whether or not that is a good idea for their brand is questionable, but that seems to be the catch.
The fact that getting Snyder back on the team is a blessing is solidified by the fact that even after almost two and a half years since his last project with DC was released, people are still dying to see the “Snyder Cut” of Justice League.
Is Snyder returning to the comic book movie genre?

Zack Snyder directing Batman v Superman – Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
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There are rumours that the Snyder Cut of Justice League will be released, but it’s starting to sound like the release date might be delayed.
The release of the director’s cut was rumoured to be in May, along with the launch of HBO Max.
Snyder is now saying that it is not done yet and that he still has some last-minute fixes that he wants to make.
After working on huge, mainstream movies for so long, it must be nice for Snyder to finally get back into the swing of things in a way that feels authentic to him.
Both, the fans of Snyder’s earlier work and DC Comics and are excited to see Snyder back behind the camera and directing again.
It’s also been confirmed that his next movie, Army Of The Dead, will be on Netflix.
What do you make of this news?
Are you looking forward to seeing what Zack Snyder does next?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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