If you are here reading this article, you are undoubtedly a big fan of the Harry Potter book and the movie series, like who isn’t!?
After all, this show has been part of our childhood and still entertains us just like old days and we have news that three new harry potter tv shows are coming soon.
Before you get nostalgic and weepy, let us find out which Harry Potter character you are!
Are you someone who can easily charm the ones around you in an understated and subtle way similar to Albus Dumbledore?
Or do you love to enjoy the present moment and are more mindful of your surroundings like Ron Weasley?
Let us find out which Harry Potter character you relate to the most.
Hopefully, you are aware of your personality traits to lend a perfect comparison test between you and these harry potter characters.
1. Luna Lovegood

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
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Luna Lovegood is a beautiful yet a little strange girl who loves living in her imaginative world. Though mostly she is surrounded by her thoughts, she is very loving and accepting of those around her.
2. Nymphadora Tonks
Are you warm, friendly, and always have a great idea lurking in your head? Then you will highly relate to this character of Harry potter. Who knows, you’ll be dying your hair purple just like hers in the future.
3. Severus Snape

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
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The professor likes being serious about everything around him and often remains in doubt that something is wrong going on around him; usually, he is right though. If you are an observer of things as Severus Snape then you have got some similar genes. Watch Harry Potter on UK Netflix to know more about this character and your potential soul character!
4. Lily Potter
Lily is an active student who is driven to achieve her goals, as you have seen in the movie how she earned the title of Head Girl at Hogwarts. Also, she is an empath and can sacrifice her needs for her loved ones.
5. Arthur Weasley
If you have immense curiosity about how things work and why something happens in a certain way, then you are Arthur Weasley. In the movie, you’ll find him going to a great extent to understand the life of muggles.
6. Fred & George Weasley
Okay, these are actually two people, but both have similar personality traits. They are innovative, quick-witted as well as love to crack practical jokes on people. Do you know someone who does this?
7. Albus Dumbledore

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
Albus Dumbledore is a strong personality type; he has the potential to affect people’s thoughts and feelings with his warm and reliable nature. If you do the same to people you connect with, congratulations, you are almost like Dumbledore.
8. Lord Voldemort
Do you know someone who loves being the centre of attraction all the time? Someone who is obsessed with being in power and often using his privileges for wrong deeds? Then, you can label them as Voldemort of the real world. Hopefully, you aren’t related to these traits.
9. Neville Longbottom
Longbottom is one of the people who has always been kind and sensitive to other’s feelings. However, he is actually very courageous and has proved this many times in the movie series itself. If you are shy but can take over control when needed, then you might be Longbottom from the movie series.
10. Mrs. Weasley
The supermom always cares for her family deeply and saves them from troubles in every way possible. Your friends and family are lucky if you are similar to Mrs. Weasley. Your friends might often call you the MOM of your friends’ group. But believe us, they absolutely adore your presence.
11. Hermione Granger

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
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How can we forget Hermione Granger! She was the crush of every 90’s boy. She is one of those students who are determined to follow the rules and remain very fair to things and people in general. However, sometimes it stresses out Ron and Harry. But, one thing that must be noted is that she has always been a brave one when the situation demands her to be.
12. Professor Umbridge
This woman doesn’t have a tiny bit of empathy for others and loves to have control over everything. Hopefully, you or anybody around you don’t have this unhealthy personality trait. However, if you know anyone like that, we advise you to stay many feet away from them. After all, your mental peace is essential.
13. Harry Potter
Here comes the prime character of the entire Harry Potter series. He has a strong sense of understanding between what’s right and what’s wrong. Also, he is someone who will never betray his values no matter what the situation is. Do you find yourself doing the same in your day-to-day life?
14. Ron Weasley

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
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If you relate to Ron, then you must be someone who prefers making the most of the present moment without being worried about the past or future. Ron Weasley is one of those students who will always choose adventure over studies.
15. Viktor Krum
This character keeps himself calm and collected in almost every circumstance. Also, he is the best Quidditch player on the record. People who are highly enthusiastic about sports and usually have high stamina and energy to do things then they are somewhat similar to Victor Krum.
16. Ginny Weasley
Here’s another family member of the Weasley family. Ginny is a character who perceives things and situations in a logical way. She is dynamic and also a great player of Quidditch. She believes in problem-solving and is quick to react to any situation thrown her way.
So, these were some of the personality types from the infamous movie series Harry Potter. However, there are many others in the list that are as interesting as the ones mentioned above, such as Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Dudley Dursely, Mad-eye Moody, Cedric Diggory, and so on. Hopefully, you agree that this article brings the right personality traits of each Harry Potter character for efficient comparison. If yes, then comment down below which character you are from the list.
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