Would A Zack Snyder-Directed Star Wars Movie Work?

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There are rumours that Zack Snyder is in line to direct a Star Wars movie.

Now, I don’t know whether those rumours are true or not.

However, what I wanted to do in this article is try to figure out whether a Zack Snyder Star Wars movie is something that fans and myself would want.

Zack Snyder has proven himself over the years to be an incredible visual director.

He has a great eye for detail and his films are always worth watching for their looks alone.

However, beauty is only skin deep and I would say that some of his films are a bit contrived and lacking as far as their story’s concerned.

I would also argue that character development isn’t one of the things he excels at.

Looking at Snyder’s back catalogue of movies, I would say that his best films are ones he didn’t have a hand in writing.

Dawn Of The Dead, Watchmen, and Man Of Steel.

Zack Snyder is at his best when he doesn’t write the film’s script

Zack Snyder DCEU Man Of Steel Justice League Star Wars Warner Bros

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Read more: Zack Snyder Has A Cut Of Justice League Which Is Even Longer Than Four Hours

These are his best films – barring two which I will go into in a minute – as far as I’m concerned.

These also happen to be the films that Zack Snyder didn’t have a hand in writing.

I would even put Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice up there, but the extended version, not the theatrical one.

Zack didn’t write Batman V Superman, so it is in line with my thesis on the director.

I genuinely believe that Snyder is a far better director when he doesn’t write his movies.

I think the films he writes tend to be too wrapped up in themselves, which can often happen with movies when they’re written and directed by the same person.

Look at many of M. Night Shyamalan’s movies. Now there’s someone who just loves to get high on his own supply.

There are two expectations to this rule as far as Snyder’s concerned: 300 and Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

I would argue that these are both Snyder’s best films, and he had a huge hand in writing them.

But, as a general rule, Snyder’s movies suffer when they are written and directed by him.

Zack Snyder’s Army Of The Dead has problems


Credit: Netflix

Read more: Zack Snyder Trending As Fans Gear Up For Army Of The Dead’s Release

I think, actually, Army Of The Dead is a great example of this.

The movie could have been so much better than it was, but it suffers from rather poor writing.

In my review of the movies, I felt that it was trying to have its cake and eat it by being both a heist movie and a zombie movie.

In the end, the heist was virtually non-existent apart from one scene involving the safe and some zombies they used as bait.

I also think the zombie aspect of the movie was a little bit lacking for me.

It just wasn’t scary enough.

With most of Snyder’s work, there were some really interesting ideas in there, but the movie just fell short in delivering on them.

I even think there are aspects of this in Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

I do genuinely believe that it’s one of Snyder best films, if not his very best film.

However, it needed to have a runtime of four hours to tell the story he wanted to tell.

I don’t think any movie should be four hours long.

Snyder shouldn’t need four hours to tell the story he wanted to tell.

Snyder can at times be a victim of his own hubris

Zack Snyder is Not Getting Involved with Justice League

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Read more: Army Of The Dead Is Doing Incredibly Well On Netflix

He has a vision and really doesn’t want to deviate from it, and that results in a four-hour-long movie, which is very good, but just too long.

So, back to the question of whether Zack Snyder would be a good choice to make a Star Wars movie, I actually think he would be an excellent choice, but on one condition.

What’s that condition, I hear you ask? It’s that he doesn’t write the film’s script.

I have a feeling that Snyder is far more effective a director when he’s working off of someone else’s script.

He still manages to bring in his own vision and ideas into the mix, yet the story, character development and dialogue is mostly out of his hands.

Sometimes, the way to get the best out of someone is to give them constraints in which to work.

I think Lucasfilm, and specifically Kathleen Kennedy, is very good at this.

This, to me, makes me think that Lucasfilm and Snyder might very well be a match made in heaven.

Now, I know that many of you might be screaming at me right now saying: “Warner Bros. Pictures just put constraints on Snyder and look what happened!”

Yes, they did, but I would argue that the Warner Bros. Pictures case is very different.

Warner Bros. Pictures is a very reactionary studio, and they hired Snyder to do one thing, but then drastically altered course after some critics complained about Batman V Superman.

Would Zack Snyder work on a Star Wars movie?

Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Read more: EXCLUSIVE: Zack Snyder’s Army Of The Dead 2 Already In The Works At Netflix

They also implemented this incredibly stupid rule that all their movies should be no longer than two hours.

Now, I do not believe that films should be four hours long.

But, I also believe that having a movie be over two, or even three hours long isn’t really a problem.

Just look at the Avengers movies. Infinity War and Endgame were both over three hours and they were excellent and did very well at the box office.

What I’m saying is that Snyder works better when the film’s script is written by somebody else.

That’s the sort of constraint I’m talking about.

Not a creative one as far as how the movie looks and feels.

The tone should be completely up to Snyder.

The more I think about it, the more I believe that a Star Wars movie directed by Snyder would be quite spectacular.

However, Lucasfilm and Disney have this very strict no R-rated movies policy.

That could end up being this potential partnership’s downfall.

I think Snyder would love the idea of making a rather violent Star Wars film.

He’d want to be allowed to push the franchise’s boundaries, and I think that neither Lucasfilm nor Disney are ready for that yet.

Maybe in a few years’ time they might be, but not right now.

What do you make of this feature?

Do you like the idea of a Star Wars movie from Zack Snyder?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


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  1. Steve


    It’s bad enough he shat all over DC comics with those diabolical movies, let alone Star Wars. Besides, Star Wars has to be woke now, so all hope is lost for a decent Star Wars movie regardless of who directs it.

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