Jared Leto Calls For WB To Release The Ayer Cut


Jared Leto has called for Warner Bros. Pictures to release the David Ayer cut of the 2018 Suicide Squad movie.

People have been taking to the Internet in their droves over the last few years demanding that Warner Bros. release the Ayer Cut.

It’s basically been a thing ever since the movie was first released.

It was no secret that the film that was released in cinemas was not the movie that Ayer wanted to make.

Ayer then revealed that fact on Twitter and also revealed that his cut of the movie was much darker and also that it actually existed.

The writer/director has since been sharing images from his cut of the movie, and recently revealed a new image of Jared Leto’s Joker in the film.

Ayer’s been very vocal with his praise of the actors’ performance in his cut of Suicide Squad.

According to Ayer, the relationship between Joker and Harley Quinn was apparently a significant aspect of the movie originally, with Leto having once said that there was enough cut footage to make a whole movie out of it.

Should Warner Bros. release the Ayer cut?

Read more: The Ayer Cut To Be Released On HBO Max After James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad?

So, it should come as much of a surprise to learn that Jared Leto is very keen on the idea of the Ayer Cut being released to the world.

When Leto was asked whether he would like to see David Ayer’s cut of Suicide Squad on HBO Max, Leto’s response was pretty definitive:

Absolutely. Why not? Why wouldn’t they? That’s what streaming’s for, right?

You can check out his response via Variety’s tweet below.

Jared Leto joins the #ReleaseTheAyerCut cause


Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Read more: Will Warner Bros Release David Ayer’s Cut Of Suicide Squad On HBO Max?

I completely understand why people like to bring up the Release The Snyder Cut movement in this conversation.

However, I do think that the Snyder Cut and the Ayer Cut are actually quite different.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League needed quite a bit of money to be completed, whereas, David Ayer’s cut of Suicide Squad is done and ready to go.

It doesn’t need any more investment. It just needs to be released.

Ayer’s cut of the film was supposedly screened in a completed form for Warner Bros. executives before they asked for more edits, and kicked off a process the resulted in the final theatrical version of the movie.

Ayer also wrote this about the movie in an open letter on Twitter:

I put my life into Suicide Squad. I made something amazing. My cut is intricate and emotional journey with some bad people who are shit on and discarded (a theme that resonates in my soul). The studio cut is not my movie. Read that again. And my cut is not the 10-week director’s cut – it’s a fully mature edit by Lee Smith standing on the incredible work by John Gilroy. It’s all Steven Price’s brilliant score, with not a single radio song in the whole thing. It has traditional character arcs, amazing performances, a solid third-act resolution. A handful of people have seen it.

Warner Bros. has shot down the idea of releasing the Ayer Cut.

Studio exec Ann Sarnoff said in an interview that they would “not be developing” the director’s version of the film.

However, they also said they weren’t going to be releasing Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

Things do change, sometimes.

What do you make of this news?

Do you agree with Jared Leto and think that Warner Bros. Pictures should release the David Ayer cut of Suicide Squad?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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