Tom Holland’s Contract With Marvel & Sony After Spider-Man: No Way Home

There’s been a lot of talk and speculation about Tom Holland’s Spider-Man contract after Spider-Man: No Way Home. One of our sources at Marvel reached out to us to clear some details up!

We just put out a quick (2 minute) video on this and it’s embedded below so feel free to check it out. If you’re here that means you’re interested in this subject matter so why not subscribe, we’re constantly putting out videos on this stuff as well as others. Like our Punisher series exclusive.

Right, now onto what our source had to say. It was quite a lot so we’ll embed the quotes below.

Tom Holland’s Spider-Man Contract With Marvel & Sony In Complicated Negotiations

Read more: Spider-Man: No Way Home’s Trailer Not Releasing This Month

So, it looks like this is a complicated negotiation on Tom Holland’s contract from what we’ve been told.

His contract does – at the moment – end after No Way Home, however, they’ve been spending months and months trying to sort out a new contract for him.

The issue is that Tom loves playing the character, but he also doesn’t want to end up getting typecast. He wants to do other projects aside from Spider-Man and the MCU. That’s one of the reasons why he ended up getting the Uncharted gig.

Little secret, he was NOT the director’s and Naughty Dog’s choice for the role.

That’s interesting and not surprising about Naughty Dog, as they’re very protective of their franchises.

Also, it’s very understandable that Tom Holland doesn’t want to get typecast. I think the MCU franchise is beyond doing that – it can really help an actors career.

On the other hand, there is Dr. Doolittle.

The source went on:

Then there’s the Sony and Marvel issue. Feige and Disney are very aware of the possibility of oversaturation and burnout as far as Tom Holland and Spider-Man are concerned.

Sony basically wants to put Tom Holland’s Spider-Man in every single ‘SpiderVerse’ property they can. They want to milk it, but Marvel Studios is much more cautious.

It is Kevin Feige after all. He’s pretty clever.

Kevin Feige knows what he’s doing and everyone should listen to him.

Tom Holland’s Spider-Man Contract With Marvel & Sony Is Not About Money

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Let’s continue what the source had to say:

They want Tom Holland in the MCU. They basically want him to be a young Tony Stark and lead a group of younger heroes.

However, they also don’t want to ruin what they’ve already set up, and they don’t want to risk Tom Holland being overworked.

It’s a very fine balance and that’s why these negotiations have been taking such a long time.

Bottom line is, Tom will play Spider-Man again after No Way Home, they just need to work out all the logistics first before anyone puts pen to paper.

Also, money is no object for Marvel and Sony, so it’s NOT a money thing.

Lastly, our source said it was one of the most fascinating contract negotiations they’ve ever heard of.

So there you have it. Hopefully, they can get this sorted out soon.

You would think that Sony and Marvel want to get this all signed before Spider-Man: No Way Home becomes a massive success.

Otherwise, Tom Hollands price and fame is just going to go up.

What do you make of this news?

Do you think Marvel and Sony should just give Tom Holland anything he asks for?

Let us know in the comments below!


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