Tips For Improving Your Online Gaming Skills

Top tips:

  1. Get in more practice

  2. Adjust your gaming setup

  3. Watch videos and live streams

  4. Look after your health

Gaming is a great way to have fun, kill boredom and enjoy your free time.

There are now almost 2.5 billion gamers around the world, a figure that is increasing year on year as more people are enticed by the huge variety of games available to play on console, PCs, and smartphones.

The average gamer now spends almost six and a half hours each week playing games.

This figure varies between age groups, with young people aged between 18 and 35 years playing for the longest time and those aged over 60 playing less than five hours per week on average.

There are a wide range of gaming types and game genres for players to enjoy.

One of the most popular is first-person shooter games, such as Call of Duty.

On mobile, single person casual games like Candy Crush and Angry Birds are highly popular.

On PC, many players enjoy Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing (MMORPs) games, with World of Warcraft being a worldwide favourite.

Battle area games are also enjoying some popularity at the moment, with League of Legends and DOTA 2 being fan favourites.

Online casino games have also seen a surge in player numbers in recent years.

The most popular casino games include poker, blackjack and roulette.

The only gambling industry is highly competitive at present as so many sites compete to gain customers and retain their loyalty.

Different types of games require different skill sets.

If you want to improve your gaming skills, it is important to identify what specific skills the game you are playing requires.

For example, poker games require strategic thinking and a balanced temperament.

You must be able to fold when you’re frustrated, which is easier said than done!

Once you have identified what skills you need to improve, you can follow some of the tips below to help develop your abilities and become a better all-round gamer.

1. Get in more practice

fit gaming

Credit: Pexels

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This may seem like an obvious one, but the more time you dedicate to playing the more you will be able to develop the abilities necessary for playing the game well.

For some, gaming is more than just a hobby, it is their full-time job and their passion.

These players are usually esports competitors and live streamers who are able to earn a living through sponsorship deals, winnings and ad revenue.

Professional players dedicate huge amounts of time to playing the game, in the same way a developer would spend time learning to code or a translator would spend time perfecting a language.

While the average player does not need to go to these lengths, it is important to recognise that you cannot reach the top of a leaderboard overnight.

Do not give up on a game if you are struggling at first, improvements happen incrementally over time.

Improvements can be frustratingly slow to see.

Joining a club or team can help to keep you motivated and make practising more fun and sociable.

Check out networking sites and gaming forums to find gamers with similar interest to you.

2. Adjust your gaming setup

Gaming Headset

Credit: Pexels

Your physical environment can have a big influence on your gaming performance.

Having the right setup can help minimise distractions and play to the best of your ability.

Depending on the game, you may benefit from turning down the music.

If you have the option of editing the mix settings then you should try turning down the music and turning up the sound effects, as this will give you a better sense of what is happening.

A good quality headset will also help you to tune out noise distractions from your surroundings and increase your focus.

Also, look at your screen brightness. In some games, like first-person shooters, you need good vision and to be able to spot the enemy.

Turning the brightness up may help with this, but don’t go too far as this will have the opposite effect.

3. Watch videos and live streams

gaming fitness

Credit: Pexels

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Another great tactic for improving your gaming skills is to watch the experts.

There are so many gaming influencers on sites like Twitch and YouTube to watch.

You can watch their live streams to see them in action or look out for their tutorial videos.

Pay close attention to their actions and commentary to get a sense of what you can do to better your own gaming output.

Be mindful that influencers are often sponsored by companies to promote their products.

So they may be more positive about a headset, controller or another piece of equipment because they are paid to do so.

Don’t just take their word for it before purchasing new stuff, check out independent review sites and ask around for more impartial advice.

4. Look after your health

Here's how you'll be able to Flash games ever after 2020

Credit: Pexels

Your health is probably one of the most important factors in your gaming performance.

Ensure that you get a good night’s sleep and some time away from your screen, as well as some fresh air and some nutritious food.

Without these, your focus and cognitive abilities will suffer.

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