Sam Raimi Explains Why He Agreed To Direct Doctor Strange 2

Sam Raimi has opened up about why he opted to say yes to directing Doctor Strange 2 (Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness) for Marvel Studios.

It was a huge deal when it was revealed that Sam Raimi had stepped into the director’s chair for the Marvel film.

Not just because Raimi is a pretty well-known director, but also because of what happened to him personally with Spider-Man 3.

Some could see Raimi as the man who made comic book movies what they are today.

His first two Spider-Man films are still two of the best comic book movies ever made.

Without them, the MCU might not be the powerhouse it is today.

However, Spider-Man 3 was a complete disaster and Raimi got a lot of heat for it.

The movie’s failure wasn’t really down to him, but more studio interference.

With all this in mind, it’s surprising that he would ever want to return to the comic book movie world.

However, there was something about Doctor Strange 2 that really spoke to him.

Why did Sam Raimi say yes to Doctor Strange 2?

Read more: EXCLUSIVE: Sam Raimi Is Close To Agreeing To Direct A Future Spider-Man Movie

Here’s what he told Collider about why he agreed to direct Doctor Strange’s sequel:

I didn’t know that I could face it again because it was so awful, having been the director of Spider-Man 3. The Internet was getting revved up and people disliked that movie and they sure let me know about it. So, it was difficult to take back on. But then, I found out that there was an opening on Doctor Strange 2. My agent called me and said, ‘They’re looking for a director at Marvel for this movie and your name came up. Would you be interested?’ And I thought, ‘I wonder if I could still do it.’ They’re really demanding, those types of pictures. And I felt, ‘Well, that’s reason enough.’ I’ve always really liked the character of Doctor Strange. He was not my favourite, but he was right up there with the favourites. I loved the first movie, I thought [director] Scott Derrickson did a wonderful job, an incredible job. So, I said, ‘Yeah.’ They left the character in a great place. I didn’t think I would be doing another superhero movie. it just happened.

Sam Raimi likes improv on his movies


Credit: Sony Pictures

Read more: Marvel Studios Reportedly Looking At Sam Raimi To Direct Doctor Strange 2

Raimi then went on to talk about his creative process and revealed that there’s always a degree of improvisation to his movies – including Doctor Strange 2:

It’s always an improvisation, just to begin with, so I don’t even think of it like [a specific choice]. The actor brings what they bring. That’s their improv. It’s what the role is. Granted, Scott Derrickson set up a very very strong foundation with great characters and story and visuals with Benedict Cumberbatch, but nevertheless, it’s a new story. Every time the actor steps in front of the camera, everyone’s making everything from scratch. So just for me, because that’s my point of view, another improvisation, a different take, something unexpected, something thrown at the actor for them to respond to live on camera is exciting. It’s just a continuation of that same process.

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