A New James Bond Video Game Is In The Works From The Hitman Games Developers

It’s been revealed that IO Interactive is making a new James Bond 007 video game, which is super exciting news. They’re the developers behind the recent Hitman video game, which I thought was just terrific!

They revealed this this video on their website, and also posted a teaser video for it on YouTube. The teaser video is just brilliant and has that delicious Bond-vibe which I love so much.

They’re calling this game Project 007 at the moment, however, that is surely just a working title. I’ll be very intrigued to find out whether this will be a tie-in to a future movie or just a separate James Bond adventure.

I’d also love to know which Bond character design they’ll use. Are they working with Daniel Craig as their James Bond, or will they go into the past? Perhaps a Sean Connery James Bond video game, or a Peirce Brosnan one – we’ve a had a few of those already?

A New James Bond 007 video game is coming from IO Interactive

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One of my favourite video games of all time was GoldenEye 007. That game was made by Rare and I played it for hours on my Nintendo 64. They’ve made a few more since then, however, none of them really captured the magic of that GoldenEye video game.

I’m hoping that IO Interactive can do that. They’re a very talented studio and have already made some genuinely brilliant video games. They basically made all the Hitman games, and many of them are, I believe, genuine masterpieces in the medium.

They also made the Kane And Lynch games which I really have a fond spot for. However, this will be a bit of a departure for them working on a James Bond game. Bond is a huge property. That said, they’ve got the perfect background for this. I can’t wait to see what they do with Bond.

What do you make of this news? Are you looking forward to playing this new James Bond 007 video game when it comes out? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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