WARNING: SPOILERS for Jack Ryan Season 2 Episode 2 in this review!
Things are really heating up in Venezuela in Jack Ryan Season 2 Episode 2, called Tertia Optio. The episode see’s John Krasinski back as the CIA analyst, Jack Ryan, and he’s now more determined than ever than find the American senator’s killer.
Episode 2 sees Sen. Chapin grant Jack permission to stay in Venezuela as he’s determined to find a link between President Reyes and the senator’s killer.
However, President Reyes flatly denies any involvement in the assassination, and Jack and Harriet Baumann (Noomi Rapace) team up to follow a lead that could create havoc politically for the United States, Germany and Venezuela.
John Krasinski is getting to flex his acting and real muscles in Jack Ryan Season 2 Episode 2

Jon Krasinski shows what he’s made of in Jack Ryan Season 2 Episode 2 (Credit: Amazon Prime)
Read more: Jack Ryan Season 2 Episode 1 Review
I’m not going to lie, I’m really enjoying this new season of Jack Ryan. That said, Episode 2 does slow down slightly after the rather bombastic opening episode of season 2.
The show’s writers obviously decided to take things back a notch to try and develop the characters and show another side to Jack Ryan.
He’s much more assertive, confident and gung-ho than he was in the first season. We’re getting a very different Jack this time around and it’s really showing off Krasinski’s abilities as an action star.
However, this episode also allows time for Jack to grieve over Senator Moreno’s death, who was a close friend and actually saved Jack’s life when he was in the army.
It just shows another element to Krasinski’s acting ability, which is really quite impressive in this second season.
Jack Ryan is quickly becoming one of the best shows on TV

John Krasinski is back as Jack Ryan in season 2 (Credit: Amazon Prime)
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I did enjoy the first season, and I thought Krasinski was great, yet I feel he’s getting to do a lot more this time around, and it might be down to the fact he’s an Executive Producer of the show, so he probably has a bit more say over what happens.
Then you have the likes of Noomi Rapace, Wendell Pierce and Michael Kelly who are all brilliant in their respective roles, but I have to give very special shout outs to two people in particular.
Jordi Mollà as President Reyes and Tom Wlaschiha as Max Schenkel are both incredibly sinister in their roles and they make for excellent villains.
I actually think Jack Ryan Season 2 has some of the best villains I’ve seen in a TV show for a while, and I’m counting the likes of Game of Thrones in that statement.
I think Wlaschiha is particularly brilliant as the German assassin.
There’s so much more to come from Jack Ryan

Jack Ryan is back in Season 2 Episode 2 – Credit: Amazon Prime
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Jack Ryan is quickly becoming one of the very best spy/action shows I’ve seen since 24, and that’s saying something because that show was good.
That said, it is very much pro-American, and I do have a slight issue with that, especially with the current political climate in the United States.
However, that and the fact that this episode is slightly slower than the first are the only real negatives I can come up with for Episode 2, which I believe to be yet another solid hour of television.
As I mentioned before, Amazon Prime has a real winner of a show on their hands with Jack Ryan and season 2 is merely solidifying the show’s position as one of the most exciting series around.
I’m really looking forward to seeing what comes next in Jack Ryan season 2.
You can watch Jack Ryan Season 2 on Amazon Prime Video right now.
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Couple comments, small details… the phrase “gun ho” should read “gung ho”, Jack Ryan was in the US Marine Corps, not the Army. Finally, regardless of the political climate in the US right now, why would an American television series whose starring character is a CIA operative be anything other than pro American? Would it be plausible to appear pro terrorist, pro Venezuelan? What exactly where you expecting or hoping for?