Constantine 2 To Add Tilda Swinton To Its Cast


Constantine 2 is coming, and it’s looking like Waner Bros Discovery wants to bring Tilda Swinton back into the fold as the Archangel Gabriel. This news comes to us via Miss Movies on Facebook. She also has a great Instagram page that I think you should follow if you care about movies and TV news and if you speak and understand French.

So, according to this new report, Warner Bros Discovery is keen on the idea of bringing Swinton back to play the Angel Gabriel in this upcoming sequel. It was revealed back in September that actor Keanu Reeves would be returning to play the titular character in this much-anticipated sequel. It was also revealed that the movie would be directed by Francis Lawrence, who also directed the original movie before going on to make the huge box office hits that were the Hunger Games movies.

Tilda Swinton back for Constantine 2!

constantine 2 tilda swinton keanu reeves

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

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There is a lot riding on this upcoming sequel. The first movie ended up being something of a cult hit, and all the people involved in it have said time and time again that they would love to return to make another one. Keanu Reeves admitted that he would love the chance to play the character again, and Peter Stormare, who played Lucifer in the first film, also revealed that he would love to star in a sequel. He actually spilt the beans on this project via his social media accounts ages ago.

Well, the project is now officially in development. I’m not 100% sure whether it’s ‘officially’ been greenlit by the studio yet. However, it is in development. That much we do know. We also don’t know who else apart from Reeves and Swinton will star in this film. At the moment, the news is that Warner Bros Discovery wants Swinton for the sequel, but it doesn’t seem she’s accepted the role as of yet. We’re just going to have to wait and see what happens between her and the studio in the negotiation process.

Warner Bros needs this movie to work

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Warner Bros Discovery is in a very precarious position at the moment. The company is not in a good way financially, and they don’t have too many big hitters coming out after Black Adam. We still don’t know what’s going on with The Flash movie, and the Aquaman sequel is still being shot and reworked. They need a big-hitting blockbuster to help them out, and at the moment, the only movie that seems to be worth banking on is Joker: Folie A Deux, which could end up doing well at the box office.

The first Joker movie, from director Todd Phillips, was an unexpected hit at the box office grossing over $1 billion, but could the sequel do as well as the original? Only time will tell. However, the addition of Lady Gaga to the cast might help to get bums in seats on opening night. But, will it get people to go back to see the movie multiple times as they did with the original movie? I’m not so sure. I genuinely believe that this Constatine sequel could be Warner Bros Discovery’s silver bullet, as in, it could save them financially. We’re just going to have to wait and see.

What do you make of this news? Are you looking forward to seeing Tilda Swinton back as the Archangel Gabriel in the upcoming Constantine sequel? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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  1. Anonymous

    Tilda Swinton’s breathtaking scene in Constantine was an iconoclastic event because Gabriel was supposed to be a man (as far as angels have gender) and Gabriel’s traditional role was to reveal the will of God to man. Here Gabriel destroyed both beliefs. It would be hard to find a better actor carry this part. To me, it was the biggest “Wow!” moment in the film.

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