This is super frustrating if you’re a Brooklyn Nine-Nine fan living in the UK. We still can’t watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 on Netflix over here in the UK.
There are loads of people in the United Kingdom asking themselves why. Why does NBC not want us to watch the latest season of the best police-based sitcom on television at the moment?
Well, I’ve looked into it, and I’ve discovered, as usual, that it’s all down to contracts.
It seems as though we can’t get a lot of nice things in this country due to contracts.
Why can’t we get Disney Plus at the same time as our America, Australian and New Zealand cousins? Because of contracts.
Why Is Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 not on Netflix in the UK?

Jake and Amy in Brooklyn Nine-Nine – Credit: NBC
Read more: Why Does Brooklyn Nine-Nine Keep On Getting Renewed Despite Supposedly Low Ratings?
It turns out that Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 is on Netflix almost all around the world, apart from in the UK and the reason is down to the fact NBC struck a deal with E4 that meant that Season 6 aired on E4 and not Netflix.
Yep, it’s that stupid. Thanks to E4, we cannot watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 on Netflix, but you can stream all the other five seasons on the platform.
However, it does mean that Brooklyn Nine-Nine fans can stream Season 6 on All4 right now, which is ‘noice’.
In order for Season 6 to be on Netflix here in the UK, the show has to complete its run on its channel in any given territory before it can become available on the streaming platform in the same territory.
Where can you watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 in the UK?

Could Jake and Amy have a child together in Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7? (Credit: NBC)
Read more: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Is Not Dead! It’s Been Saved By NBC
The puzzling thing about this is that Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 has now come to an end on E4, and the whole season is now on their on-demand service.
However, there is a reason behind Season 6’s absence on the British version of Netflix.
Season 5 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine only was released on Netflix in the UK on March 8th, which means that contractually it’s too early to have the following season land on the streaming platform.
So, with this in mind, we’re probably going to have to wait until March 2020 for Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 to be made available on Netflix in the UK.
That does mean that we B99 will be able to binge-watch the whole show very soon, fingers crossed.
When will Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 air on NBC?

When will Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 air? Credit: NBC
Read more: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Spoilers: Jake And Amy To Have A Child Together?
As for Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7, the premiere episode is going to air on NBC February 6th, which is very soon indeed.
Incidentally, NBC just released Season 7’s brand new Miami Vice-style trailer and it’s brilliant.
The trailer looks like it’s come straight out the 80s and shows scenes from the upcoming season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
I must say that Season 7 looks brilliant and it teases that there’s going to be a rather interesting subplot involving Holt, who was demoted at the end of Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6.
You’ve also got the usual one-liners from Andy Samberg’s Jake Peralta as well as a few epic moments involving Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero).
NBC has already given Season 8 the greenlight

Andy Samberg may have never played Jake Peralta in Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Credit: NBC)
Read more: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Star Andy Samberg Almost Didn’t Do The Show
After Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s fifth season, the show was cancelled by Fox, but fans and many celebrities including the likes of Guillermo Del Toro and Mark Hamill took to Twitter to morn the loss of the show and demand that another studio pick it up.
It only took NBC a short while to swoop and save the show, which is now about to enter its seventh season and already has Season 8 in the pipeline.
The show has a huge cult following and it’s no wonder considering how funny and constantly relevant the show is.
What do you make of this? Have you watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 yet? Let us know in the comments below.
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Great theory but it’s not available on All4 currently… I just searched for it.
Ah. It must have been taken down recently. Interesting. I’ll do some digging. Thanks for the comment!