Disney Plus seems to be doing pretty well at the moment, in the territories it’s currently in which doesn’t include the UK and most of Europe. So, we’ve decided to look into when Disney Plus’ UK release date is exactly and try and figure out why it hasn’t come to the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe yet.
Answering the first question is actually pretty easy. Disney Plus will be coming to the UK in March. March 31st, 2020 to be precise.
This means that we’re going to finally be able to subscribe to Disney Plus this year in the UK. However, there is a slight issue at hand. Is there any real need to.
What’s on Disney Plus at the moment that people are watching or have watched that you really want to see? There’s only one show I can think of that’s worth subscribing to Disney Plus for at the moment and that’s The Mandalorian.
Sure, you can spend hours of your life endlessly watching episodes of the Spider-Man Animated Series, The Simpsons, and Recess, but is that really worth a subscription?
Plus, The Simpsons is being shown in the wrong aspect ratio, which is mad.
Will it be worth subscribing to Disney Plus in the UK?

Disney Plus is coming to the UK in March – Credit: Disney
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There have already been reports claiming that Disney Plus has seen a rather worrying amount of people opting to unsubscribe from their streaming service after having watched The Mandalorian.
That’s not good. Retention is just as important to streaming services and bringing new people in is. That’s one of the reasons why services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are constantly making new shows.
It’s not just to bring new people in, but also making sure the people who are already subscribed remain so.
I know a lot of people who do what I refer to as ‘streaming service hopping’. They’ll want to watch one show on one streaming service, subscribe to that and then cancel their subscription and move on to another streaming service.
Some people only want to be subscribed to one service at a time, and that really does make sense because being invested in all these streaming platforms is expensive.
You have Netflix (which isn’t that cheap nowadays), Amazon Prime Video (which does come with Amazon Prime), Hulu (not in the UK), Apple TV Plus (which is way too expensive for what it is) and Disney Plus.
There are far too many streaming services nowadays

Is The Mandalorian the only show worth watching on Disney Plus? – Credit: Lucasfilm
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Then in the US you have HBO Max coming, and here in the UK we have Now TV. There are way too many, and it’s getting too hard to handle and doing too much damage to our bank accounts.
So, what is the answer, I hear you ask? The answer is to find the streaming service that suits your needs the most. For instance, if you have children, I would actually recommend a subscription to Disney Plus.
If you’re into your blockbuster TV shows, I’d say go for Netflix. If you want your ore grown-up shows, then head on over to Amazon Prime Video.
But then you can do what I earlier referred to as ‘streaming service hopping’, and just be subscribed to one platform at a time and enjoy one show at a time.
That certainly saves you from ‘then endless scroll’ which people have now become accustomed to doing every night on platforms like Netflix and Apple TV Plus.
As for why Disney Plus has been so delayed in the UK and other European territories, we have Rupert Murdoch and Sky to thank for that.
Sky is the reason why we’ve had to wait so long for Disney Plus in the UK

Ewan McGregor will play Obi Wan Kenobi in an upcoming Disney Plus TV Series (Credit: Lucasfilm)
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Disney is still waiting for some of their contracts with Sky to run out. Disney and Comcast, the company that now owns Sky, struck a deal which meant that Disney movies and TV shows could be shown on Sky TV.
This is what lead to Sky have a dedicated Disney channel which showed nothing but Disney movies.
Disney has to wait until March for these contracts to run out, which is why we’ve had to wait so long, and because Sky is in many different European territories, other countries such as Italy and France have had to wait too.
That wasn’t the case with The Netherlands since they got Disney Plus on day one (lucky buggers).
However, I’ve noticed that a lot of people in Europe managed to watch The Mandalorian despite Disney Plus not being available here, so I reckon many people found other means of watching the show.
That’s really not good news for Disney since when the streaming service lands in March, I’m not sure how many people will feel inclined to subscribe immediately.
Personally, I’m going to wait until The Falcon And The Winter Soldier comes out to subscribe.
How about you guys? Will you be subscribing to Disney Plus when it finally comes to the UK? Let us know in the comments below.
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