All-Female Mortal Kombat Spinoff Might Be In The Works


It’s being reported that an all-female Mortal Kombat spin-off movie might be in the works over at Warner Bros. Pictures, which might not go down too well.

This report comes to us from Giant Freakin Robot, and I do have to state here that this something I haven’t heard.

However, that doesn’t mean that this isn’t being discussed behind closed doors over at Warner Bros. Pictures.

We do know that a Mortal Kombat sequel is already in the works.

That movie will be a straight sequel and will not be an all-female spin-off.

We already know that Johnny Cage will be playing an important part in the upcoming sequel.

Incidentally, fans are clamouring for Ryan Reynolds to play Cage in the movie, and he’s been adding fuel to that already burning fire.

Could an all-female Mortal Kombat spinoff movie be in the works?


Credit: HBO Max

Read more: Mortal Kombat 2 Reportedly Already In The Works

However, there is the fact that in the past, these all-female spin-offs of big franchises just haven’t worked.

The Ghostbusters movie, the Ocean’s Eight film – they both didn’t do very well at the box office.

In the Ghostbusters film’s case, people really hated it, and they made their opinions on the movie very public.

So, is making an all-female Mortal Kombat spin-off a good idea? Well, it could work.

Jessica McNamee played Sonya Blade in the movie, and I could see her leading an all-female Mortal Kombat film.

What do you make of this report?

Do you believe that an all-female Mortal Kombat spin-off movie is in the works?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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