The Sandman Season 2 Renewal ‘On Track’


The Sandman season 2 renewal seems to be “on track” over at Netflix, at least, if its creator, Neil Gaiman is to be believed. During an interview with Rolling Stone, the author revealed that things are looking good for Season 2 over at Netflix. This is precisely the news we wanted to hear from the man. Fingers crossed it ends up getting renewed officially, and the streamer announces it to the world.

Even though the show hasn’t been ‘officially’ greenlit yet by the streamer, it does look like the number are promising, and this means that it’s highly likely that a second season will be made over at Netflix. At least, this is all according to the show’s creator, Mr. Neil Gaiman, who’s been chatting a lot about his new series. He seems to be very proud of it, and so he should be. The show is a triumph.

Things are looking good for The Sandman Season 2 renewal at Netflix


Credit: Netflix

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According to Gaiman, the streaming numbers for the first season are definitely “looking great.” Here’s what he had to say about a potential second season during his chat with Rolling Stone:

Basically, the way that it works is making something like Sandman is incredibly expensive. This is not a cheap show. This is the opposite of a cheap show. This is dead expensive. And that means that in order to be renewed, we have to perform as well as everybody could possibly, possibly hope. So everybody is very hopeful. It’s all looking great. We’re certainly on track for it. But it’s all about how we do over the month after release.

Gaiman then continued:

Well, you get breadcrumbs, and much more importantly, most of the breadcrumbs that they give you are things that you can check publicly. I think last week, human beings on the face of this planet spent 127 million hours watching Sandman. That is an awful lot of Sandman. And the next-most-watched thing was watched for 65 million hours or whatever. So we’re doing well. We’re really doing great.

When could season two be released?

READ MORE: The Sandman Season 2: Everything We Know So Far

Interestingly enough, Gaiman did reveal that, even if Netflix did not end up renewing the series for a second season, they could take the show elsewhere and get a second season made with another network, which would be an interesting move.  Here’s what he had to say on that matter:

Back when we put the deal together, we made sure that there were ways to continue with Sandman. But we also all hoped that none of them would possibly be necessary, because we love our Netflix people and they love us. And they’ve been amazing. I mean, they even made a secret 11th episode of Sandman.

So, it sounds as though Gaiman would like the show to stay with Netlfix, but he is prepared to move it to another network should Netflix do the downright stupid and cancel the show. I feel like The Sandman is a show that deserves as many seasons as the creators, writers, producers and stars want to make. There is truly nothing like it on television right now, and I think it’s an absolute gem of a show.

What do you make of this news? Are you looking forward to watching the second season as soon as it’s released on Netflix? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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