Netflix Will Not Put A Disclaimer Before The Crown

The Crown S4 Netflix Prince Charles

It’s been revealed that Netflix does not intend to put a disclaimer before The Crown after it was suggested that the Royal Family wanted them to indicate that the show was a work of fiction. This news comes from Deadline.

It was revealed a few days back that the Royal Family was not very happy at all with the hit Netflix show, The Crown. Season 4 of The Crown wasn’t very favourable towards the Royal Family. The member of the British Royal Family that came off the worst in the latest season was Prince Charles.

He is reportedly furious with the show, and inside sources have been reportedly claiming that he and the rest of the family were trying to get Netflix to put a disclaimer before each episode of the show. They wanted Netflix to make it clear to audiences that this show is a work of fiction.

Culture secretary Oliver Dowden wrote a letter to Netflix, asking for a disclaimer to be added that makes it clear to Netflix’s 195M subscribers that the royal drama is partly a work of fiction. Netflix has declined the request.

Netflix will not put a disclaimer before each episode of The Crown

The Crown S4 Netflix

Credit: Netflix

Read more: The Crown Season 4 Viewers Shocked By Prince Charles’ Treatment Of Lady Diana

Netflix representatives have now told Deadline that they have “no plans” to put disclaimers before each episode of the show. This will be a huge blow to the Royal Family, and I’m pretty sure they will not let this rest until Netflix bends to their will.

Netflix also added that their viewers “understand that it’s a work of fiction”. However, a close look at Twitter will reveal that people are pretty much convinced that the events in the show between Prince Charles and Princess Diana actually happened.

Here’s what Netflix told Deadline: “We have always presented The Crown as a drama – and we have every confidence our members understand it’s a work of fiction that’s broadly based on historical events. As a result we have no plans – and see no need – to add a disclaimer.”

What do you make of this news? Do you think that Netflix should put a disclaimer before The Crown? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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