Kevin Feige Reveals Marvel Has No One In Mind To Play Wolverine In The MCU

Kevin Feige has revealed that they have no one in mind to play Wolverine in the MCU, which is interesting. He revealed this during a recent interview with Collider.

There have been so many reports that Marvel has cast a certain actor in the role of Wolverine in the MCU. I’ve seen ‘outlets’ say that the likes of Taron Egerton and Dacre Montgomery have been cast in the role.

Well, Kevin Feige has claimed in a recent interview that they have not got an actor in mind to play the iconic Marvel character in the MCU. It’s going to be difficult to replace Hugh Jackman and it sounds like they’re taking their time in casting the role.

Marvel doesn’t have anyone in mind to play Wolverine in the MCU

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Logan

Credit: Fox

Read more: Hugh Jackman Wanted To Play Wolverine In The MCU But The Timings Were Wrong

Here’s what Kevin Feige had to say after he was asked by Collider whether they’ve got an actor in mind to play Wolverine in the MCU:

Collider: In your mind, have you cast who you want to be Wolverine or is it still too far out?

Kevin Feige: No

That’s pretty definite if you ask me. It sounds like they really don’t know who’ll be playing Wolverine in the MCU at the moment. I do wonder whether he’s just playing with us and they really do have an actor in mind.

What do you make of this news? Do you think that Kevin Feige and Marvel really do know who will be playing Wolverine in the MCU? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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