There’s been so much talk about Henry Cavill’s take on Superman and it’s time to reveal once and for all why he’s the best ever Superman.
I think I must have said this time and time again, Henry Cavill is a great Superman.
He’s just been let down by some really guff scripts.
The movies he’s played Superman in – Man Of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League – have all suffered some the same problem.
Each and every one of those films has poor scripts.
I actually enjoyed a lot of Man Of Steel and Batman v Superman.
However, they were both found wanting when it came to their storytelling and especially their dialogue.
It’s no wonder that Cavill sometimes sounds a bit wooden as Superman.
He was given some awful lines which would have been impossible for even the likes of Daniel Day-Lewis to make sound good.
So, I decided to go over the five reasons why I think Henry Cavill is one of, if not the best actors ever to play the Man of Steel. (Yep, I’m going there).
Henry Cavill just looks the part

Henry Cavill really just looks like Superman – Credit: Vassilis Dimitros
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The first reason is the most obvious one, he just looks the part.
I would argue that Henry Cavill looks even better as Superman than Christopher Reeve (don’t hate me for saying that).
There’s something about Henry Cavill’s face that I think just makes him look like Superman.
How many actors out there do you really think could look more like the Man of Steel than Henry Cavill?
I honestly can’t think of anyone who looks more like Supes than the Brit.
Please, let me know if I’m wrong.
Cavill’s action set pieces as Superman are better than the rest

Henry Cavill as Superman in Man of Steel – Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
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One of Cavill’s strong points as an actor is his ability to do incredible action set pieces.
Just look at the stuff he does in The Witcher and Mission: Impossible – Fallout.
I genuinely believe he’s one of the best action movie stars working in Hollywood today.
Perhaps Tom Cruise is slightly ahead of him, but Cavill’s still got years to hone his craft.
Some of his action set pieces in the DC Comics movies have been genuinely jaw-dropping.
That’s what he’s so good at and I don’t think there’s anyone who could do a better job in these action set-pieces as Superman than Cavill at the moment.
Rewatch some of the stuff he does in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman.
Even if you don’t like Cavill as Superman or even as an actor, you cannot deny he’s great in an action scene.
He’s a modern Superman, unlike the others

Could Henry Cavill be playing Captain Britain – Credit: Warner Bros.
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One of the things I really love about Cavill’s Superman is that he’s a modern take on the role.
He’s modern, yet he still manages to keep the essence of what makes Superman Superman.
Cavill keeps that sense of honour, dignity, respect and he just makes Superman feel like an all-round genuine hero.
His Superman looks and acts heroic and a lot of that is down to Cavill’s performance in the role.
I often feel he doesn’t get enough credit for that.
Instead, people like to mock him because of ‘moustache-gate’, which was something he could genuinely do nothing about.
It wasn’t his fault Paramount decided to play nasty with Warner Bros. Pictures.
Give the guy a break. It wasn’t his idea to have a team of people digitally remove his beard in post!
He has a geeky love for the character

Henry Cavill as Superman (Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures)
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Another thing I really love and respect about Cavill and his time in the DCEU is his genuine love for the character.
He’s a geek, and proud of it.
He loves video games and comic books. He loves comic book movies and you can just tell that he wanted his Superman to be as good as possible for both the fans and the character.
Not many people get to play a superhero like Superman, and Cavill knows that.
He knows how lucky he is to have even been given the chance to play the Man of Steel on the big screen.
I honestly think having someone who understands that part of the role play Superman is so important.
It’s also often overlooked. It’s important to have an actor who can play the role, wants to play the role and understands why it means so much to so many people.
That’s why people love Superman so much and I think it’s also one of the main reasons why Cavill has so many fans out there.
Cavill’s physique is just Superman

Zack Snyder directing Henry Cavill in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
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Finally (last, but definitely not least), just look at Cavill’s body!
Is there anyone else out there who has a physique quite as good as Cavill.
OK, maybe Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, but he’s already been cast as Black Adam.
Cavill takes a lot of time, care and effort into crafting his physique to be as bulky as he can be.
As Superman, he’s a mountain of a man and that’s really how Superman should look.
I know some people may point to the other actors who’ve played the role and say, “but they weren’t huge!”
You’d have a point, but if you’re going to be playing what is basically a God, you have to look like a God.
That’s what Cavill did for the role, and that’s one of the reasons why he’s the best Superman ever.
What do you make of these reasons?
Do you think Henry Cavill is the best Superman ever, or do you think I’m talking out of my arse?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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For sentimental reasons, Christopher Reeve was my first film Superman and I loved him, so he’s my favourite. But totally agree with you about Henry. He is so good and right. I’ve read a few Superman comic books in my day and it’s like he materialised out of them. And agree wholeheartedly about the scripts; good storylines poorly written. But great cast who do their best and who’s love for the characters make it work.
I wholeheartedly agree with the author and the commenter Plodding Historian. Cavill is AMAZING as Superman. Mustache-gate (LFMAO) was a crime against fandom and Cavill, perpetrated by idiots. Aside from Cavill’s perfect physique and obvious dedication to his roles, THAT FACE! It’s faces like Henry’s makes me go to the movies! And they ruined it! Thank the movie gods for the Snyder cut. It is REDEMPTION for Henry’s face, among a great many other things. I just think Cavill is a perfect fit for Superman.
Thanks for this. I remember reading that other actors put on the suit, walked put & people laughed. When Henry walked out Nobody laughed. They were Playing Superman. He Was Superman. The S stands for HOPE…