Netflix’s latest international sensation, Society of the Snow, is charting a historic path in the streaming world, both in viewership figures and on the award circuit. This revelation, reported by Variety, highlights the film’s rapid ascent to one of Netflix’s most impactful non-English hits since its release on January 4th. Directed by the renowned Spanish filmmaker J.A. Bayona, Society of the Snow has captivated a global audience with its gripping narrative and masterful direction, firmly placing it as a frontrunner in Netflix’s original movie lineup.
The film debuted on Netflix as the second-largest premiere for a non-English language film in terms of hours watched. In just 11 days, it garnered an astounding 51 million views, making it the tenth biggest non-English language film on Netflix. This achievement is particularly noteworthy considering it competes with the 91-day viewing figures of all other titles, including last year’s multi-award-winning German film All Quiet on the Western Front.
Breaking Records and Setting New Benchmarks

Credit: Netflix
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A Trailblazer Among Non-English Films
Society of the Snow stands out not only for its compelling story but also for its record-breaking performance. It trails only Norway’s Trolls in terms of hours watched among non-English films on Netflix. Moreover, another Spanish film, Nowhere, has only just outperformed it in raw views. These films hold the top two positions on Netflix’s coveted list of most popular non-English language films ever.
The Speed of Success
The pace at which Society of the Snow has climbed the ranks of Netflix’s most-watched is remarkable. Assuming it continues to ascend in views and hours watched, the film shows strong potential to climb even higher in the rankings in the near future.
Critical Acclaim and Global Impact

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Fantastic Critical Reception
The success of Society of the Snow goes beyond viewership numbers. It has received overwhelmingly positive reviews, earning a commendable and rare 90% on Rotten Tomatoes. Thanks to its harrowing narrative, unique direction, and attending Oscar buzz, the film has resonated globally and landed in Netflix’s Top 10 in 93 countries, including France, Germany, the UK, Brazil, Mexico, and the U.S.
A Contender for Major Awards
Given its widespread acclaim, it’s no surprise that Society of the Snow is being tipped for significant awards. In the UK, it’s been longlisted for the BAFTA in the Film Not in the English Language category. Additionally, it has been shortlisted for the Oscars in four categories: international feature film, makeup & hairstyling, original score, and visual effects. The film also claimed the Audience Award at the San Sebastian Film Festival and has been nominated for 13 Goya Awards.
The Story Behind the Success

Credit: Netflix
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A Tragic Story Retold
Society of the Snow recounts the tragic, infamous, and inspiring story of a 1972 Uruguayan Air Force flight that crashed in the Andes Mountains, carrying 45 people, including a rugby team and their families. The survivors faced an unimaginable 72-day ordeal, enduring extreme conditions and making agonizing decisions to stay alive.
A Courageous and Perilous Journey
The film not only depicts the tragic crash but also focuses on the courageous and perilous journey of two survivors who braved the mountains to seek help. Their incredible bravery and resilience ultimately led to the survival of all 16 stranded passengers.
Final Thoughts on this movie breaking Netflix’s streaming records

Credit: Netflix
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Society of the Snow is more than just a film; it’s a phenomenon that has captured the hearts and minds of viewers around the world. Its record-breaking performance on Netflix, combined with its critical acclaim and potential for major awards, showcases the growing popularity and impact of international films in the streaming era.
As Society of the Snow continues to smash streaming records and receive global recognition, it stands as a testament to the power of storytelling and the universal appeal of true, human experiences. Netflix’s commitment to bringing diverse, international stories to a global audience has once again proven to be a winning strategy, and Society of the Snow is a shining example of this success.
What do you make of this news? Have you watched Society Of The Snow on Netflix? We’d love to hear from you.
You can stream Society Of The Snow on Netflix right now.