With us all now being in lockdown, it’s a good time to start watching as many movies as possible. One of those movies might be Vin Diesel’s Bloodshot.
We’re all in a rather difficult position at the moment, but thankfully we can always lose ourselves in a good movie.
It’s also a rather interesting time as far a new releases are concerned because some of them have been made available to watch on-demand.
Vin Diesel’s latest movie, Bloodshot is one of the new films which has been released on-demand early.
However, is it worth spending money on Bloodshot to watch from the comfort of your own home?
Is Bloodshot worth watching?

Vin Diesel in Bloodshot – Credit: Sony Pictures
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The short answer to that question is, no, not really.
Bloodshot is a distinctly average action movie full of cheesy dialogue and poor action sequences.
I’m a pretty big fan of Vin Diesel and tend to enjoy any of his movies.
He’s a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine.
However, I just found Bloodshot to be so incredibly dull.
Maybe it’s because I’d already read the Valiant comic book it’s based on.
I also watched the film’s trailer which literally gives everything away.
Is Vin Diesel good in it?

Vin Diesel is fine in Bloodshot – Credit; Sony Pictures
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However, there is one question which is worth asking when it comes to Bloodshot: is Vin Diesel good in it at least?
The answer to that question is also pretty simple: he’s fine.
This is not an ‘Oscar-worthy’ performance by any stretch of the imagination.
He’s fine in it, but it does seem as though he’s just playing Dominic Toretto from the Fast and Furious movies.
He even wears the character’s signature white sleeveless vest.
I was half expecting him to deliver a speech on the importance of family.
Vin Diesel’s now fallen in that category of being a caricature of himself.
He’s now just playing himself – or the version of himself he wants people to see – in all his movies.
Is the action in Bloodshot any good?

Vin Diesel in Bloodshot – Credit: Sony Pictures
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However, does Bloodshot’s action salvage this movie?
No, it doesn’t. I could forgive the movie for its poor dialogue, clunky script and formulaic plot.
However, the real problem with Bloodshot is that the movie’s action set peices are really dull.
Also, the film’s director seems to be obsessed with red-filters.
I get that Bloodshot’s eyes go red, but he really didn’t have to shoot practically the whole movie through a red lens filter.
It just makes the whole thing feel rather cheep and look very dark.
There’s also way too much slow-motion used in the action set pieces.
I’ve seen videos on YouTube that have more engrossing action scenes.
Are there better Vin Diesel movies to watch while in lockdown?

Vin Diesel was the voice of the Iron Giant in The Iron Giant – Credit: Warner Bros. Animation
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The fact of the matter is that Vin Diesel has been in some truly incredible movies.
There are a lot of movies of his that are much more worth your time that Bloodshot.
If you’re looking for a good Vin Diesel movie to watch while in lockdown, then I’d suggest the likes of The Iron Giant, Pitch Black, Saving Private Ryan or even any of The Fast and Furious movies he’s been in.
He’s also in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies in which he’s the voice of Groot.
But, if Vin Diesel action is what you’re looking for, then I’d suggest Pitch Black which still holds up to this day.
What do you make of this article?
Are you going to watch Vin Diesel in Bloodshot while in lockdown?
Let us know in the comments below.
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[…] 血丝的 […]
This review is Spot Off my friend. How in the hell can someone to review a really good movie like this, be a critic or writer to take seriously. Step up your game bro…..its embarrassing.
Worth watching? Fucking hell yeah it is.
Who are you to judge ? It is worth watching!!!! I love it so much