Ava DuVernay is joining the DCEU! The A Winkle In Time director will direct a New Gods movie for Warner Bros. and DC Comics.
Ava DuVernay is one of the most exciting and promising directors working in Hollywood today. Her first film, Selma, was critically acclaimed, as was her second film, the Oscar-winning documentary, 13th. Her new film, A Wrinkle In Time, has recently come to theatres and the reception to her new Disney movie has been somewhat mixed, although everyone seems to agree that it’s a beautiful mess, and certainly shows that he has a lot of promise.
Thanks to Deadline, we’ve now got news that DuVernay will direct a New Gods movie for Warner Bros. and DC Comics. New Gods was a comic series originally conceived by comic book legend, Jack Kirby. Kirby was responsible for creating (or co-creating) such iconic comic book characters as Captain America, The Fantastic Four, the X-Men, The Incredible Hulk, Ant-Man, Darkseid, Doctor Doom… He had a hand in creating almost all of your favourite comic book characters. He’s the Godfather of the comic book world.
Some of his most celebrated, and easily strangest work, was on the New Gods comic series he did for DC. New Gods is absolutely bananas, and it might be fitting that DuVernay is going to be directing the movie since A Wrinkle In Time shows that she’s not afraid of dialling the crazy visuals up to 11.

Ava DuVernay is the perfect choice to direct the New Gods movie
Kirby drew and wrote a series of three New Gods comic books: New Gods, Forever People and Mister Miracle. Here’s a little overview of what the series is all about: “The New Gods came into existence after the world of the gods of classic mythology were destroyed during Ragnarok. The deities inhabit two planets: one is New Genesis, a lush paradise, and the other Apokolips, which sounds like Dante’s version of hell. War ensues.”
There’s certainly a lot there for DuVernay to sink her teeth into, and I for one am happy that she’s doing this project for DC. They need talented directors with big ideas to helm their movies. Some new blood won’t hurt and DuVernay seems like the perfect choice for this. There’s also the fact that she was originally approached to direct the Black Panther movie for Marvel but talks broke down because she quickly realised that she wouldn’t get to make the film she wanted to make.
What do you think of DuVernay making the New Gods movie? Let us know in the comments below.
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