Amber Heard Is Being Paid $33K To Give Talks About Domestic Violence

It’s been revealed that Amber Heard is now being paid up to $33K to give talks on domestic violence and people are not very happy about this news. This was revealed by who announced that she would be one of their speakers.

Now, Amber Heard has been in the news a lot recently. Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, I’ll sum up why she’s been so prominent in the media. She and her ex-husband, Johnny Depp, have been locked in a nasty legal battle.

Amber Heard has been claiming that she was the victim of domestic abuse while they were married, and Johnny Depp is flatly denying these allegations and is currently suing both her ex-wife and newspapers in the United States. There was a very public libel case against The Sun newspaper in the UK, who called Depp a “wife beater” in an article of there’s. Depp was suing The Sun for libel, and incredibly, The Sun ended up winning that case.

Amber Heard is now giving talks on domestic abuse for $33K


Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

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So, Amber Heard has been able to bag herself another nice money-spinner on her hands as she’s been hired by The Harry Walker Agency as a speaker. As written on their website, Heard is:

An outspoken advocate for women’s rights and for the civil rights of survivors of all gender-based violence around the world, Amber works with organizations that encourage survivors both personally and politically to come forward and reclaim their power. Amber makes frequent trips to DC to lobby and fight on behalf of the civil rights of women and the innumerable silent survivors of gender-based violence.

What do you make of this news? Do you think Amber Heard should be paid to give talks on domestic violence, and do you think she should be giving talks on the subject at all? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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There are 3 comments

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  1. Randy Bambis

    She a domestic abuser giving talks about domestic violence…

    To be fair, she was their second choice after they couldn’t get Kurt Cobain to talk about suicide prevention.

  2. Anonymous

    The irony. This event on domestic violence is about Truth, correct? I think this company should reconsider and reevaluate. Not to be Judge and jury here, considering no judgement in the case as been reached. HOWEVER!
    The fact that these claims are questioned now and with good reason, should tell this company they need a “new” face to represent them.
    I’m trying to be diplomatic here.
    There are far more better and legitimate cases and confirmed stories to pick a more appropriate spokesperson.
    Again, I didn’t use strong language or what has become a common hashtag.
    Again, I tried to be diplomatic. Take some free PR advice and get a legitimate and RESPECTED person for the voice of such an important, vital subject for society.
    Not Amber Heard!

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