Search Results for: Doctor Fate

Spike Lee May Direct A Spider-Man Spinoff Movie, Nightwatch, For Sony Pictures

Sony Pictures is reportedly interested in making yet another Spider-Man spinoff movie, this one to feature Nightwatch, and they’re touting Spike Lee to direct. Sony Pictures is looking to beef up its Spider-Verse. They’re already set to release the Venom movie starring Tom Hardy as the titular character and Gina Prince-Bythewood’s Silver & Black on February 8th, 2019. We’ve also…


The Cloverfield Paradox Review

Director: Julius Onah Starring: Daniel Brühl, Elizabeth Debicki, Aksel Hennie, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Chris O’Dowd, John Ortiz, David Oyelowo, Zhang Ziyi Mark my words, The Cloverfield Paradox is an absolute mess of a movie yet, for some reason, I didn’t hate it. I actually found myself enjoying the film despite its many, many flaws. Having said that, I…