A new teaser for Deadpool 2 has been released which features a Deadpool-ish tribute to The Joy of Painting and a brief snippet of the film’s R-rated action.
ArticlesKenneth Branagh is the star and director of Agatha Christie’s Murder On The Orient Express. Does his version of Hercule Poirot stand up to the others?
A very talented artist has given the characters from Stranger Things an X-Men makeover and it’s brilliant. Check out the fan art here.
Sony Pictures is looking to develop yet another Spider-Man spin-off movie involving the interesting anti-hero, Morbius the Living Vampire.
Ben Affleck has admitted that he’s looking to find a “graceful and cool way” of saying goodbye to the Batman role after Justice League.
There’s a new trailer for the upcoming animated movie Batman: Gotham By Gaslight sees this Victorian version of the Caped Crusader go up again the Ripper.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s star, John Boyega, thinks it would be cooler if Finn ends up being more like Boba Fett and less like a Jedi.
There’s a new TV spot for Star Wars: The Last Jedi that concentrates more on John Boyega’s Finn, Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron and BB-8. Check it out here.
It’s been reported that Gal Gadot will only sign onto Wonder Woman 2 once all the movie’s ties to Brett Ratner have been severed.
It looks like a promotional cup may have given us our first glimpse as Alden Ehrenreich has Han Solo in Ron Howard’s Solo: A Star Wars Story.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s Rian Johnson will be creating a brand-new Star Wars trilogy which will explore other areas of the galaxy far, far aw
Taika Waititi has revealed that they filmed an alternative post-credits scene for Thor: Ragnarok. You can read what he had to say about it here.
There’s a new rumour which suggests that we might get our first glimpse at Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam in Suicide Squad 2.
Guillermo Del Toro has revealed that he’s going to take a year break from directing after releasing his latest movie, The Shape of Water.
During a recent interview, Ben Affleck cast doubt over whether he’ll still be playing Batman in the future. Check out what he had to say here.
Jessica Chastain has revealed in an interview that she would like to play Beverly Marsh in IT: Chapter 2. Check out what she had to say here.
Disney is looking to acquire 21st Century Fox, which means that the X-Men, Deadpool and The Fantastic Four could all revert back to Marvel Studios!
Mark Hamill Addresses Whether Luke Skywalker Has Turned To The Dark Side In Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Mark Hamill has been discussing whether or not Luke Skywalker would be leaning towards the Dark Side of the Force in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Tom Hardy has shared a behind-the-scenes picture which gives us a little peek at what his Eddie Brock will look like in his upcoming Venom movie.
Bruce Wayne and Barry Allen, a.k.a The Flash, meet for the first time in this clip from DC Comics’ upcoming superhero movie, Justice League.